Launch the program by going to your Launchpad: Find the Epic Games Launcher and double-click on it. If this window pops up on your screen, go ahead and click open. You will be automatically taken to the “Unreal Engine” screen. Go to the “Library” tab. Near the top of the program window. Click on the plus (+) button next to “Engine. WhatsApp for Mac has launched a desktop app for both Windows and Mac OS X. Unreal Engine 4 for Mac. Epic Games (Free) Download. Unreal Engine 4 for Mac is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. Unreal Engine 4 supports everything mobile. It has been designed for mobile, now and in the future. Download Latest Version for Mac (47.00 MB) Advertisement. Unreal Engine 4 for Mac is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. From 2D mobile games to console blockbusters and VR, Unreal Engine 4 for Mac gives you everything you need to start, ship, grow and stand out from the crowd. Setting up for development for the iOS platform.
Trying to install the Epic Games Launcher so I can download and use Unreal Engine, asked Epic Games support about this and they redirected me here (odd since I would think that this is an issue with the launcher itself and not Unreal Engine?).
Basically, every time I try to use the launcher, it gets stuck on an updating screen and gives me a SU-MD-HSH error.
website says,
'Exit the Epic Games Launcher entirely. Navigate to the following directory: /Users/{user name}/Library/Preferences/Unreal Engine/EpicGamesLauncher/Mac/ Open the Engine.ini file in a text editor. Edit the file to include the following: [Launcher] ForceNonSslCdn=false
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Note: If the file has the above entry saying true change it to false. If you don't see the above entry at all in the file then copy and paste it into the file. Save the file. Try launching the Epic Games Launcher.'

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however, there's no engine.ini file in the launcher files.

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the launcher multiple times now, and I've experienced the same exact thing every time. Please help